Wednesday 4 April 2012

The London Science Museum

The inner geek in me just loves this place! When we lived in London, i made sure to get there at least once a month. Well mainly because its a hit for the kids, theres so much space it means that running and running and running around is no problem, and secondly because "The Garden" for toddlers is so much fun. Theres water play, welly boot play, sounds, visual illusions, building blocks and causing towers to fall by earthquakes, dress up and climbing to name just a few... and  then theres "The Launchpad" for older kids but mine still loved it  just as much.

But the real reason I go so often is to see a few of the displays myself, even if theres no time to read anything, the presentations themselves are all absolutely fabulous. Love this place, definitely one of my favourite spots in the Big Smoke :)

Cousins enjoying the big rotation globe

Katie having fun in the toddler "Garden"

Even the restaurants are fun

Learning about mechanics in the Launchpad

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